Linux Software für den Aspire One
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Firefox 3 installieren - Firefox 2 soll auch weiter laufen

So 3. Aug 2008, 04:34


nachdem ich so langsam etwas vertrauter mit Linpus und dem Acer A110L werde sollen neue Software Pakete installiert werden

Dabei steht zuerst die Installation von Firefox Version 3 an - Die Firefox 2 Version soll aber erst einmal weiter bestehen bleiben

Dazu habe ich nachfolgendes in einem sehr guten Blog " "gefunden

Meine Frage aber vorab:

Kann man unter Linpus neue Software Pakete eigentlich über einen grafischen Install Manager (“pirut” das graphische Frontend zu yum ???) installieren ?

PS: Wäre bei dem Vorhaben von neuer Software (Firefox 3, Thunderbird, Skype, VLC, ICQ (Pidgin), audacity, Lame MP3 Encoder, Ghostscript, gimp, Backgammon,

Chess, etc.) halt einfacher für einen Linux Newbie :)

Installing Firefox 3 on Acer Aspire One Linux
Posted in aa1 by ? on July 22nd, 2008

Firefox 3 can be easily installed with just a few keystrokes, without changing your existing Firefox 2 configuration.

Press Alt+F2 to show the Run program window. Check Run in terminal and click Run, after which a terminal will be opened. If you’re not familiar with the linux command line don’t be afraid, just follow the instructions step by step.

Use wget to download Firefox 3 from an official mirror. You can edit the variable at the end if you’d like another language. All available languages can be seen here, just hover over the download link to see the language code in the status bar. Also don’t forget the quotes at the beginning and the end, they’re important.

Edit: The quotes are replaced with curly quotes here, those will not work. Use regular quotes.

wget “”

Edit: I’ve decided to replace su -c with sudo, even though sudo on the AA1 has a small bug that will make an error message appear. It is harmless and can be ignored.

The next step extracts the file and moves the directory to a different place. Note: sudo makes the command run as root, you might be prompted for your password.

tar -jvxf firefox*bz2
sudo mv firefox /opt

The next step puts Firefox 3 in place of Firefox 2 and the latter in a safe place.

sudo mv /usr/bin/firefox /usr/bin/ff2
sudo ln -s /opt/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox

The next step will link all existing Firefox 2 plug-ins (not to be confused with extensions) to Firefox 3. You can now disable them individually in Firefox 3 in case you don’t want to use them all.

sudo ln /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/* /opt/firefox/plugins

Make sure Firefox 2 is not running before entering the next command. Create a new profile, name it anything you like and select it. You can delete the Firefox 2 profile if you don’t want to use it anymore.

firefox -ProfileManager &

Clicking on the browser icon will now always start Firefox 3.

oder die Beschreibung der Installation von Firefox, Skype, Pidgin auf dem nachfolgenden Blog

So 3. Aug 2008, 04:34

Re: Firefox 3 installieren - Firefox 2 soll auch weiter laufen

So 10. Aug 2008, 09:36

Bekomme nach der Installation von Firefox beim Start im Terminal folgende Fehlermeldung:

Gtk-Message: (for origin information, set GTK_DEBUG): failed to retrieve property `GtkTreeView::odd-row-color’ of type `GdkColor’ from rc file value “((GString*) 0xb6f92b80)” of type `GString’

Habe mit mit nem Update von GTK2 schon meinen Acer Desktop zerschossen. Weiß jemand Rat?
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