Linpus Swap Datei löschen ?

Linux Software für den Aspire One

Linpus Swap Datei löschen ?

Beitragvon DaButzmann » Mi 13. Aug 2008, 19:05


ich habe kürzlich den Speicher meines A110 auf 1,5 GB aufgerüstet und in der Hardware Ecke gelesen:

Alles läuft einwandfrei, Swap-Partition konnte gelöscht werden und auf der SSD stehen jetzt 1 GB mehr zur Verfügung :D

nun wollte ich gerne einmal wissen:

-Wie lösche ich die Swap-Partition?
-bringt es außer ein GB mehr Speicher noch andere Vorteile ?
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von Anzeige » Mi 13. Aug 2008, 19:05


Re: Linpus Swap Datei löschen ?

Beitragvon andif62 » Mi 13. Aug 2008, 21:01

Ich zitiere mal von

"turn off swap and gain 1GB of disk space

Postby sailor070 on Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:14 pm
Remove swap and gain 1GB storage

Having swap on a SSD seems not a too good idea, see also AA1 section on Nevertheless, Acer decided to have swap anyway. Some believe that 512MB of RAM would not be enough w/o swap, that's arguable. However, the EeePC701 does not make use of swap w/ having the same amount of RAM. As a side remark, to be honest, both netbooks I upgraded to max RAM.

Here's my way of getting swap deactivated:

get a terminal: (Documents -> File -> Terminal)
for convenience, get a root-concole: type "sudo xterm &"

in the root-console:
/sbin/swapoff /dev/sda2

Now you need to edit /etc/fstab were it reads "/dev/sda2 swap swap default 0 0". If you would like to have extra space for data, the line could look like this: "/dev/sda2 /mnt/data ext2 defaults,noatime 1 2". If you go for this option, return to the root-console and perform the following commands:

/sbin/fdisk /dev/sda (in fdisk type: "t" "2" "83" "w" (w/o quotation marks); this changes the partition type of /dev/sda2 to "Linux", writes the partition table and quits fdisk)

mkdir /mnt/data
/sbin/mke2fs /dev/sda2
mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/data

Essentially you're done by now. Since the partition is listed in the fstab, it will be mounted during boot.
You gained 1GB of data storage, and even better, did something good for your SSD. This all can be done w/o any additional software, it's all provided in the original install made by Acer.

Alternatively (that's what I did finally) you could delete the partition /dev/sda2 and resize /dev/sda1. However, this requires that you have the means to boot another Linux from an external medium. I used a liveCD having "gparted" on it. Since this seems to be a solution for the more advanced user, I will leave it to the reader to reach out for his own preferred liveCD.
Some hints how to do this can be found on ... ition.html.
Weißer A110L mit Linpus
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Registriert: Mo 4. Aug 2008, 13:06
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